Showing results 1 to 10 out of 271
Teen Hackathon ( Day Camp During Winter Break
30 Dec - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
School is out for winter break! The Teen Hackathon will teach you how to code and prepare for upcoming hackathons. At the end of this session you will be capable of make a website or mobile application!
Teen Hackathon ( Day Camp
20 Dec - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Teen Hackathon is a project of, Inc.
Phone/SMS 415-373-6767 to confirm location on weekends and/holidays.
MKE TeenHealthHack
19 Dec - 10:00 AM
Milwaukee, United States
The Milwaukee City Health Department is seeking the development of a smartphone solution to increased awareness of reproductive health clinics in the greater Milwaukee area and for dissemination of reliable, safe, and accurate information about sex and sexual health to teens.
Fin-Tech Startup - Hackathon
18 Dec - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
OneTraction is an Open Innovation Accelerator in Silicon Valley founded by Harvard, Stanford and Google alumni, to help next generation startups launch disruptive products that solve real life problems. Running a global network of entrepreneurs, thought leaders, mentors and investors for aspiring and current founders amongst the entire technology ecosystem around the world.
This event is open to those who work, start, mentor and fund tech companies. The type of work to be completed for this hackathon is:
a) - A very complex solution to a very large market and cannot create an MVP in two days and add it to you application.
b) - Team have a very simple solution to common problem and can create an MVP in two days and add it to your application
The prizes are given to winner to accelerating towards a successful startup launch and expanding their hackers network with industry expertise. The challenge is to develop something that is able to launch an MVP within 60 to 90 days!
Hyland Hackathon 2015
18 Dec - 05:00 PM
Westlake, United States
Hyland is inviting students and local industry professionals from Northeast Ohio to spend a weekend at our world headquarters. We love technology, and know you do too! Come learn new things, work on something cool, and show it off to your peers.
The theme will be "Use Technology to Benefit the Local Community." It'll be the Season of Giving and what better way to give back to the community than to use your creativity and ideas to help others?
Throughout the weekend we'll be offering workshops for those who want to take a break from hacking. The topics of these workshops will range from Intro to HTML and how to set up a LAMP stack. We can show you what things will look like in case you see them throughout the hackathon.
Doors will open at 5PM on Friday December 18th and will officially kick-off with a Keynote speaker at 6PM. Judging will begin at 10AM Sunday December 20th.
This hackathon is a free event for students (high school and college) and local industry professionals. If you are a minor, there will be additional paperwork to complete. We'll have you covered when it comes to food and drink, but you may want to bring a blanket and pillow!
Hardware and software hacks are welcome! Wireless connection will be available for use.
All projects worked on and submitted at the Hyland Hackathon must be from scratch. Teams are limited to four people.
If you have any questions before registering, please contact Hyland's Technical Outreach Program Manager, Caitlin Nowlin:
Razom/IT presents Ukraine: Rise of Tech Nation with Yevgen Sysoyev
16 Dec - 06:30 PM
New York, United States
Razom/IT is an initiative of Razom to grow entrepreneurship by accelerating the growth of the tech startup ecosystem in Ukraine. Join this event together with companies in the US who hire technology talent, as well as software engineers and investors to learn about Ukraine: Rise of Tech Nation. You’ll learn about global R&D shop Ciklum as well as early-stage startups.
Super Happy Dev House #SEA2
13 Dec - 11:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Super Happy Dev House #SEA2 lets you create something unique for the holidays! Code and develop your own gift for your friends and loved ones using a cool collection of hardware, including Raspberry Pi's, Arduino's, an oscilloscope, and a VR headset.
Come and join the hacker culture to have fun, build things, learn things, and meet new people. It's called hacker culture, and we're here to encourage it!
Sound Visualization & Data Sonification Hackathon
12 Dec - 12:00 PM
New York, United States
A Hackathon for musicians, programmers, scientists, and other artists to hack together on projects exploring music. At the end there will be a concert and presentations of the art, technology, and research developed. The event is open to everyone whether you want to participate or just have a look.
Audio Builders Workshop: Dec 12th & 13th
12 Dec - 10:30 AM
Cambridge, United States
To follow this and all future events join the Facebook Group here:
Saturday December 12th 2015
10:30 AM to 5:00PM -- Designers "Hack-a-thon" -- $30.00
Sunday December 13th 2015
10:00 AM to 10:30AM -- Pre Regastration
10:30 AM to 1:30PM -- Mic Builders Workshop 1 -- $375.00
01:30 PM to 2:00PM -- Lunch
02:00 PM to 5:00PM -- Mic Builders Workshop 2 (Aval. If Workshop 1 is soldout) -- $375.00
Mic Builders Workshops: $375.00
We will be building the T-47 from! The nearest commercial equivalent is the Mojave MA-201 FET (MSRP $795). The kit has custom PCBs, a recreation of the Neumann KM84 circuit (improved and hot-rodded), and a custom transformer. The finished mic has higher output than the Mojave, and it has both a 10dB pad and cardioid/omni switch. The website price for the kit is $349 including a nice-looking unbranded microphone body. Cheeper mics are avalable but at that level I think it might be easier just to buy a mic from china. By the way, the component count is low enough that some of you could build 2 or more in a day. If you want to by more than 2 please contact me directly.
Colour Platform "Hack-a-thon": 10:30AM to 5:00PM: $30 (If you have experience with design, Spice, Eagle etc. please contact Owen to join a design team at no cost.)
This is not a formal lecture but we will sell tickets for those who would like to help, observe or simply support the design teams. The design teams will do what they can to share their design process as they work.
Each team will:
Simulate the circuit in software.
Build and test the circuit on a Prototyping PCB.
Generate manufacturing files so that PCBs can be mass produced.
The Colour Platform has so much potential! It is our hope that the circuts from this workshop will be mass produced for sale at DIY.Re and avalable at cost to a builders workshops.
"Colour was designed with and for the DIY audio community. Every design decision, from the width of the PCB traces to the modular approach, was made in tandem with a community of DIYers and professional gear designers during two years of development. The result is a world-class piece of equipment that delivers exceptional performance at an accessible price."
HolidayJS 2015
12 Dec - 08:00 AM
Tempe, United States
HolidayJS is like an Oprah Christmas Special FOR PROGRAMMERS!
Come join us for a fun filled day of hacking and hanging out with other JavaScript developers in the valley. There will be plenty of prizes, food and fun for everyone!
We will start the morning with a run through of a few seed projects that developers can use to build out an awesome project for the hackathon that afternoon. We will finish things off with project demos and everyone voting for the best project with prizes going to the top three teams.
Check out for more details and a full list of sponsors.